Are Camp Showers Worth It?

Are you looking into buying a camp shower? Before you do, It's important to know if it's worth it or not. Read this blog post now!


10/22/20236 min read

Are Camp Showers Worth It?

Heading out into the great outdoors is an exciting adventure, but let's be real, staying fresh can be a bit of a challenge. That's where the idea of a camping shower comes into play.

A camp shower can be a game-changer, making your outdoor adventures more comfortable and enjoyable. But, are camp showers worth it?

This question has many campers divided. Some swear by the convenience of a quick, refreshing rinse under a portable shower, while others might find it doing too much.

There are various options to explore from simple portable shower bags to more complex setups like electric portable showers or propane camp showers. Let's not forget, the convenience of a pop-up shower tent that can take your camping hygiene to a whole new level.

In this blog post, we will dive deeper into the world of the best hot water camping showers. We'll explore how camp showers work, how long camping showers last, and whether investing in a shower tent is a smart choice.

Plus, we’ll share some fantastic camping shower ideas and guide you on where to find the best camping showers to suit your outdoor adventures.

So, if the thought of a portable camp shower in nature excites you or if you’re just curious to know more about this camping add-on, you’re in for an insightful read! Stay tuned as we unravel the mystery of whether camp showers are worth the addition to your camping gear.

Do Camping Showers Work?

Yes, especially when you're exploring the wild for the first time or if you're considering leveling up your camping experience.

Although they do work, there are many types of camping showers to choose from:

Types of Camping Showers

  1. Portable Shower Bag- A portable shower bag is a simple outdoor shower solution. Fill it up with water, hang it from a tree, and you have a ready-to-go shower. It's an economical and lightweight option for campers.

  2. Electric Portable Shower- A rechargeable camping shower is battery-powered, providing a steady flow of water for a more consistent shower experience. It's a bit more complex but still easy to use.

  3. Propane Camp Shower- For those chilly mornings or evenings in the wild, a propane camp shower offers heated water for a warm, comforting shower. It's a bit bigger but well worth the extra weight if warm showers are a top priority.

  4. 12V Heated Camping Shower- Similar to propane shower tents, 12V heated camping showers provide warm water but operate with a 12-volt power source. They can be connected to your car's battery for a cozy shower experience.

  5. Solar Camping Shower- Eco-friendly campers might appreciate a solar camping shower, which uses solar energy to heat water. It requires a sunny day to work effectively but is a green alternative.

Each of these camping showers has its advantages and is suited for different camping scenarios. From the basic portable shower bag to the more luxurious propane camp showers, there's a camping shower for every type of adventurer. So, whether you're a weekend warrior or a seasoned camper, you’ll find a shower tents that fits your needs.

How Long Does a Camp Shower Last?

When investing in a camp shower, a common concern is its durability. How long does a camp shower last? The longevity of a camp shower largely depends on various factors such as:

Quality and Materials

Higher-quality materials such as reinforced plastic, silicone, or metal components tend to last longer. They withstand the outdoor elements better, ensuring your camping shower stands the test of time.

Type of Camping Shower

Different types of camping showers may have different lifespans. For instance, a simple portable shower bag might last a few seasons with good care, while an electric portable shower or a propane camp shower with more mechanical parts may require more maintenance but could last longer with proper care.


Regular cleaning, proper storage, and following the manufacturer's maintenance instructions can significantly extend the life of your camping shower. For example, emptying the water bag and allowing it to dry properly before storing can prevent mold and mildew, extending its usability and lifespan.

Frequency Of Use

Like everything in life, the more frequently you use your camping shower, the faster it might wear out. However, great camping showers are built to endure frequent use over many camping trips.

Are Shower Tents Worth It?

The question of whether shower tents are worth the investment depends on several factors. The answer? Yes, they are worth it for many campers, and here’s why:

Many shower bags, especially pop-up shower tents, are designed for a stress-free setup and takedown
Many shower bags, especially pop-up shower tents, are designed for a stress-free setup and takedown


A shower tent offers a private enclosure for showering or changing, a comfort that's highly valued in the great outdoors.

A shower tent creates a well-rounded outdoor shower setup, particularly in areas lacking privacy
A shower tent creates a well-rounded outdoor shower setup, particularly in areas lacking privacy

Ease Of Setup

Many shower tents, especially pop-up shower tents, are designed for a stress-free setup and takedown, being both lightweight and compact.


A shower tent creates a well-rounded outdoor shower setup, particularly in areas lacking space.

Beyond just a showering space, shower tents can serve as portable restrooms or changing rooms.
Beyond just a showering space, shower tents can serve as portable restrooms or changing rooms.


Beyond just a showering space, shower tents can serve as portable restrooms or changing rooms, offering multipurpose utility on your camping trips.

While relatively inexpensive, shower tents significantly enhance the camping experience.
While relatively inexpensive, shower tents significantly enhance the camping experience.
Offering shelter from wind, rain, or prying eyes, a shower tent improves the camping experience
Offering shelter from wind, rain, or prying eyes, a shower tent improves the camping experience


While relatively inexpensive, shower tents significantly enhance the camping experience. Though costs may accumulate when combined with a camping shower, the added comfort and privacy often justify the investment.


Offering shelter from wind, rain, or prying eyes, a shower tent improves the overall shower experience, making it more comfortable and less hurried.


Exploring the wild outdoors comes with its set of challenges, and maintaining personal hygiene is one of them. However, with the privilege of camping showers and shower tents, this challenge becomes easier to tackle.

Through our blog post, we've uncovered that camping showers are not only functional but come in a variety of types to suit different preferences. Whether it's a simple portable shower bag or a more luxurious propane camp shower, there's something for every camper.

Shower tents, on the other hand, provide much-needed privacy and convenience, making them a worthy consideration for those who prioritize privacy even while camping. The ease of setup, versatility, and protection offered by shower tents make them a valuable addition to your camping gear.